Camerino, January 17, 2020 – Mayor Sandro Sborgia opened the press conference by welcoming the Bocelli Foundation management present, Vice-Chair Veronica Berti Bocelli and President Laura Biancalani. It was only a few weeks ago that the site preparations got underway and we promised to meet again after the holidays to officially commence the construction work on the new Camerino Music Academy.

“Our community – said the Mayor – has a strong musical, artistic and cultural tradition and vocation. Beginning again today with this new project where we can organize these activities once again means going back to rebuild the true identity of Camerino. Following on from the University, where so many young people already fill up the new classrooms, thanks to ABF’s intervention and support, I hope that the new Music Academy can become a hub for the coming together, collaboration and development of local associations that foster the growth and development of talent, but more importantly, the citizens of tomorrow”.

The project envisages the construction of a 2-story complex with classrooms and an auditorium and will hopefully be handed over in early summer. Architecturally, it will be built with “Platform Frame” technology using wooden frames, which guarantees the highest grade of resistance to earthquake shocks and certifies the building as a Class IV facility, i.e. the rating applied to “important public or strategic buildings with regard to civil protection management during natural disasters”.

The participants also included some of the young musicians from Camerino who wanted to pay tribute to those present with a musical performance, right on the site of where their new school will be built. “We are happy and grateful for the extremely special bond that is created with the communities in which we choose to work. Openness, listening and dialog are the foundations of something that goes beyond the walls that we build and which allow us to stand alongside these wonderful areas by offering our help. As with Sarnano and Muccia, we would like to be able to bring tangible opportunities for rebirth and renewal to Camerino. And all this in a short time frame, as we always set our sights on the here and now” – said Veronica Berti when addressing those present.

Indeed, this is the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s third project following on from the earthquake that hit Central Italy in 2016. In the last two years, ABF has already rebuilt and opened the new schools in Sarnano and Muccia, both constructed in 150 days.

“We were on the stage at the inauguration for the school in Muccia when we launched this new project. It was June 2019 and now we hope that a year on from that day we will find ourselves back here soon to inaugurate the new Academy” –  said Laura Biancalani, ABF President – “And I like to remember that if all of this is possible, it is thanks to the willingness and energy invested by everyone involved, both public and private.”

Indeed, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation has promoted the projects in Sarnano, Muccia and Camerino not only by working alongside the institutions, but by also involving individuals, from within Italy and further afield, through a special fundraising campaign: first in September with the SMS solidarity campaign and now with a dedicated bank account. Anyone who would like or wishes to donate can add their brick via bank transfer using the following IBAN number IT 34H 05232 71030 000000016610 or via credit card to the following address: https://donate.andreabocellifoundation.org/.