
Education and food distribution

St. Augustin School

Number of inhabitants in the area 36,000
Number of children involved 655
Number of persons employed 34
Number of teachers 21
Number of teachers 5,697

Notre Dame du Rosaire School

Number of inhabitants in the area 238,222
Number of children involved 288
Number of persons employed 17
Number of teachers 9
Number of teachers 1,440

St. Philomene School

Number of inhabitants in the area 54,809
Number of children involved 240
Number of persons employed 17
Number of teachers 9
Number of teachers 2,160


  • Increase level of education among the poorest famiglie in Haiti.
  • Spreading the culture of education as a key to  redemption for their lives.
  • Reduce infant mortality ensuring through school not only education but also a meal a day to the 1.163 students.
  • Improve the sanitary conditions through the free distribution of water in the slum.

Let’s deepen the project


The St. Luc Foundation is a Haitian organization that offers education, medical care and dignity to more than 1milion people every year through its programs where more than 900 Haitians work. Father Rick Frechette, an American priest and doctor, has founded and directs this Institution working with a group of young Haitians leaders, who, together, have the will to lead their Country towards a new future in which every man can live out of that extreme poverty that takes dignity away. Born in 2001 the programs of Saint Luc provide:

  • Education and food for 10.000 students every year
  • Medical care to more than  200.000 people every year
  • work for over 1800 units of  permanent staff


a. WATER/ water

In WHEAT the Foundation distributes daily with a tanker truck drinking water in the slums 6 days a week. This enables people to have, every day, clean water, to drink, to be used for cooking and to take care of their hygiene. Thanks to water distribution it is possible to reduce spreading diseases and epidemics related to poor hygiene or lack thereof.

Giving access to water it is possible also to reduce the risk of dehydration above all in infants and elderly people.

b. HEALTH-HUNGER/ Food Incentive

Each of the students included in the project receives every day a meal consisting in rice beans and vegetables. Together with this, 3 times during the school year a 5 Kg packet  of pasta is given to every student to bring to his/her family. These incentives mean that school attendance is not only dependent on the will of the individual child but is also motivation for the whole family who is thus relieved from the problem to feed every day a certain number of components of the family, because relying on the food contribution guaranteed.

c. EDUCATION/Education

In a context such as that presented becomes, therefore, essential the role played by street schools: safe places where children can find a “shelter” from the dangers of rampant crime and benefit from an education that is a potential source of redemption for them and the community itself. Educate children and their families to the concept of school as a chance for redemption for themselves and the community means to lead to the awareness that change must pass through them. Education and respect for its value reaffirms the dignity of individuals enabling them to have a positive impact on the choices of their future. Besides, Education means respect for oneself, for one’s own body and a more responsible approach to sexuality and to the illnesses that from it can derive. Through street schools then pass messages that impact not only on single students, but involve the community. A community that especially in the provinces, if made aware, can reduce the flow of migrants towards the slums, choosing to invest in one’s own territory


  • Distribution by tanker truck of drinking water in the slums 6 days a week 6 times a day for a total amount of about 18 million liters a year.
  • Covering of the annual costs of structure of the three schools of St.Augustin (655 children) in Abricots, Jeremie, Ste Philomene (240 children) in Kenscoff, Notre Dame Du Rosaire (288 children) in Croix des Bouquets.
  • Periodic distribution of 4 kg packets of pasta to the families.

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world, among the last in the world rankings for the conditions of childhood, mortality rate and poverty.

  • 56%of the population suffers of malnutrition ;
  • 1 child out of  3 dies before age 5 from malnutrition and curable diseases;
  • l’80% of the population lives with less than 1$ a day;
  • One child out of two does not go to school;
  • The average life expectancy does not exceed 55 years of age
  • 70 % of the population has no work

January 2010: a terrible earthquake caused 230,000, 300,000 injured people e 1 million homeless people. Today the country has not yet overcome this catastrophe. In the meantime it has also been hit by cholera and by two hurricanes.

There is a lack of infrastructures, sanitation, electricity and water supply, public hospitals are absent or are in totally degraded conditions.

In the slums in particular the situation is of a continuous emergency. The access to water and to sanitation is made difficult by the inability of many to move outside from their restricted environment.

The capital Port au Prince is overcrowded and here more than 60% of the inhabitants live in slums. Most of these people are from the provinces of the Country and migrate in the hope to find a better condition of life if compared to theirs.

Outside the capital the means of communication are poor, some stretches are practicable only with special vehicles or on foot, the food supply conditions or basic necessities are reduced in quantity and opportunity, and the presence of institutions such as schools , hospitals, clinics is almost one tenth of what can be found in Port au Prince. Families live from farming or herding, activities carried out without any planning or methodology. In places along the coast there is also fishing activity that allows people to feed themselves

– Action Education and food Distribution

School of St. Augustin – Abricot

Abricot is a village located at two hours drive, from Jeremie. Families live mainly on   farming and fishing. These activities are carried out randomly and do not guarantee for this reason procurement adequate for sustenance.

St. Augustin school situated in Abricot Jeremie, welcomes 600 students coming from the nearby villages. On average every student walks three kilometers, every morning, to reach school. The school building at the moment has been built only partially, and some classes are grouped together to make the most of the space available, students can even be around sixty in one classroom.

School of Notre Dame du Rosaire – Croix desBouquets

The school Notre Dame du Rosaire is located in the artists’ quarter of the city of Port au Prince. In this neighborhood many families are engaged in the production of items called “Fer Forgè” (wrought iron) which they get from recycling diesel oil barrels. The school structure where the activities take place was established in 2004. To date the spaces are rent and host 288 students. Classes are organized into age groups and according to their learning program.

St. Philomene – Kenscoff

The school of St Philomene is located in Kenscoff a mountain area which is about two hours drive from Port au Prince. Also here the few economic activities like agriculture are all carried out at a family level and intended for mere sustenance. The school structure where the activities have been carried on until June 2014 is a real street school without foundations and built with poor materials like wood and metal. Classes are organized into age groups and according to their learning program.

All educational programs are coordinated by a central school board that has precisely the function to coordinate. Each school then has its own director, with local staff that organizes learning programs together with teachers and enforces them.

Access to water in the slums of Citè Soleil

A recent UNICEF report has stated that more than 9 million people in Haiti live without having access to water. In the capital Port au Prince, many of the main water pipes were destroyed in the earthquake of 2010 in addition to many of the wells which are currently dry. The possibility to have, every day, clean water to drink, to use for cooking, and to take care of one’s hygiene, is something essential for survival, but also to avoid spreading diseases, first of all cholera and epidemics related to poor hygiene or lack thereof.


“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

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