ABF for Hospital Schools


Phase 1 – Digital – Year 2021

SIO Genoa – Gaslini Paediatric Hospital

Teachers involved on the project in the year 2021: 12
Estimate of children hospitalised per week on availability of beds: 500

SIO Naples – SantoBono Pausillipon

Teachers involved on the project in the year 2021: 6
Estimate of children hospitalised per week on availability of beds:50/60

SIO Ancona – Salesi Paediatric Hospital

Teachers involved on the project in the year 2021: 8
Estimate of children hospitalised per week on availability of beds: 180/200

SIO Trieste – Burlo Paediatric Hospital

Teachers involved on the project in the year 2021: 3
Estimate of children hospitalised per week on availability of beds: 100/130

SIO Florence – Meyer Paediatric Hospital

Teachers involved on the project in the year 2021: 5
Estimate of children hospitalised per week on availability of beds: 200/250


  • Create aesthetically beautiful, curated and welcoming spaces where new connections and skills can be built through rich opportunities for interaction with others.
  • Foster learning contexts that promote interaction, both face-to-face and at a distance, with their schoolmates and peer group that are present.
  • Offer suitable conditions so that each child may discover or enhance their talent.
  • Reinforce the curriculum by complementing it with an innovative design that includes art, music and foreign languages as the backdrop for integrating and promoting new knowledge, awareness and skills.
  • Create and maintain the conditions that make the new educational technologies tools for supporting, integrating and enriching relationship-building, knowledge and learning processes.

Project details


Italian Pediatric Hospitals Association (AOPI), Italian Ministry of Education


Phase 1 – Digital
  • Provide the ABF TeachBus: device (notebooks and tablets) libraries capable of, first and foremost, guaranteeing that the children involved are able to maintain their relationships with their schoolmates, teachers and atelieristas. Every device will be handed over already customized with all the content and apps – which have been carefully chosen on the basis of their age group also – and will go back to the digital library ready to be reassigned, once their program of study has finished.
  • Offer the ABF Online-Labs platform: an online platform for the ABF Labs that will provide access to a vast selection of educational content.
  • Integrate, train and coordinate the digital atelierista: a 4.0 librarian specializing in the use of new educational technologies who, collaborating with the ABF working group, will promote new and transversal perspectives on the use of technological tools for children, thereby supporting teachers and families in how to best use these devices.
  • Ensure the presence of pedagogical coordination to provide supervision, liaison and networking support for the project, to guarantee the further education of staff and overall educational quality.
Phase 2 – Art & Music
  • Upgrade, reorganize and set up – where it is necessary to build from scratch – the spaces for the ABF LABS that will accommodate the hospital school sections in every pediatric hospital.
  • Integrate, train and coordinate the expressive languages atelieristas: professionals specialized in designing artistic and musical experiences, in foreign languages also, to support, supplement and enhance scholastic and curricular activity.


The ABF H-LABS Project incorporates and implements the intervention models that were trialled in the ABF School Network within Italian pediatric hospitals, with the aim of giving hospitalized children and students beautiful, curated and welcoming places where they can interact with others. The expressive languages of art and music are central to this and are conceived as a tool to foster, support and promote the talent of every child. New educational technologies have also been implemented, which represent a precious tool for communication and curricular integration, with the aim of improving quality and advancing educational innovation.


Hospital schools guarantee hospitalized children and young people the right to education and learning. In Italy, there are over 70,000 “hospital” students – those students attending the hospital schools in specialized facilities and/or at home – mainly in pre-schools and elementary schools. This rises to one million if we include children with chronic diseases, namely those who are suffering from complex illnesses.


“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

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