Direct Beneficiaries


Direct beneficiaries



Indirect beneficiaries

Municipalities of Sarnano and surrounding areas


  • Giving continuity to the actions undertaken in the Sarnano community with the donation of the new school.
  • Assisting the institute and the students in the process of training and enhancement.
  • Generating opportunities for togetherness and attention to the place and the territory.

Project details


Municipality of Sarnano and G. Leopardi Middle school


  • ABF organises and incurs the costs for implementing the initiative.


The G. Leopardi Comprehensive Middle School in Sarnano and the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, one year after inaugurating the school that was restored to the community of Marche, featured on a special day that brought together 11 educational concerns of the area. Over 500 children, students coming from comprehensive music middle schools and from dance high schools in the Marche region, met at the educational building donated by ABF and by the “Only the Brave Foundation” (where the training building stood before being damaged by the 2016 earthquake) and then at the local sports hall, on Wednesday 29th, and they made music together by using the variety of instruments in the educational spaces dedicated to music and multimedia, which the school – thanks to the contribution of the SIAE – is equipped with. The schools that participated were honoured with a symbolic “Gold Record”.


On 24 August 2016 at 3.36am Central Italy was hit by an earthquake with magnitude of 6.0, which affected the regions of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria. Thousands of people were involved in the event that caused 299 victims, numerous injuries and severe damage to the area.

On 26 and 30 October, new violent earthquakes hit central Italy, in particular the border between Umbria and Marche. The 30 October earthquake – whose magnitude was 6.5 – was the strongest in Italy in the last thirty years. 95% of homes are now unusable.


“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.

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