Structured in one floor building with a C form, Notre Dame du Rosaire School, opened officially the doors on April 1st. The new spaces will offer to 400 children of the kindergarten and primary school classrooms full furnished with blackboards, desks, and also with electrical system, library room, computer lab, kitchen service. The teachers has been included in a training program to bring the school programs at the national and international standards. Until March the students were attending their lessons in a very basic structure, nearby the new one, where for example 2 different years classes were sharing the same space. In the new building each class has its own space with all the proper school supplies. Furthermore in this project the families of the students play a key role, most of them has been working for months in the field. The proudness and the sense of respect of the community for the Andrea Bocelli Foundation commitment, have opened a dialogue that will unlock new opportunities of developing projects.