A private concert on the beach, an evening under the stars of Florida, for an important cause: the projects – educational and not – connected to childhood realized by the Andrea Bocelli Foundation in Haiti. An island, whose coastlines are, ideally, just beyond the horizon of Miami Sea.

Last April 25th, thanks to the enthusiasm and to the virtuous initiatives of our hosts, Jorge M. Pérez, Gil Dezer and Cesar Pelli, over five hundred thousand dollars were collected. An event that beyond the economic result, represents an extraordinary example of how each of us can act, putting into play their either large or small forces, thus becoming an ambassador of the cause shared with the Foundation, spreading its projects, making, this way, the difference in the life of many people (and in this case of so many children).

The evening has brought together some among the most prominent families of Miami: besides the performance of Andrea Bocelli and of a dear friend of ABF, soprano Maria Aleida (accompanied at the piano by Lola Astanova), the guests have had the possibility of meeting some members of the Foundation, from Laura Biancalani to Veronica Berti, from Matteo Bocelli to Gerald Beabrun: the latter being a Haitian doctor, the main operational reference of the Foundation on the island. This way it was possible to tell, personally, the projects, the needs, the urgencies of a land which, along with Miami, has a special relationship for logistical reasons.

It was an exclusive evening, certainly, but also a bright exemplification of the ‘living laboratory’ on which ABF has always insisted since it was created, the possibility to meet, witness and describe projects, in person, involving interlocutors through the truth of human contact and through the reality and immediacy of a direct relationship.

So the private concert in Miami has yielded something more precious than money (though it is something essential because of the logistic health and educational urgencies, even intensified by the scourge of hurricane Matthew), that is new friends of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation…Sensitive people, interested in the cause, ready to put themselves into play, to spread what ABF is doing in Haiti, to help, each according to their own economic and labor possibilities and forces.

The one in Miami – at the “Residences Armani Casa” – has been a happy example of what people of good will can do, everywhere in the world, to offer their contribution. Projects like these ones stem from mutual esteem and listening, and express perfectly the spirit of ABF, in the desire of putting together friends and people, met over time, whom to share values and goals with. An example therefore that we are very happy we have been able to tell about.