patients/month screening of adults and children
Patients in treatment
New patients (outgoing and incoming ) per month
Dedicated staff members
The Saint Damien Hospital / Nos PetitsFrères et Sœurs (HSD/NPFS) is a structure of excellence situated north of Port au Prince, the biggest pediatric Hospital of the Caribbean which can provide assistance to 80,000 children a year, 4,500 mothers and their babies.
The hospital employs 400 Haitians helped by volunteers coming from hospitals all around the world.
The Foundation since January 2015 has been supporting the HIV program of the Hospital helping to grow its impact.
The program started in 2005 when the hospital joined the network PEPFAR as one of the three pilot sites chosen for extending the management of children exposed and infected by HIV.
The program has grown steadily given the poor performance of prevention of HIV from mother to child in the Country. In October 2011 the program was enhanced supporting also infants exposed/infected by the virus and pregnant women. Today in addition to these the program assists 550 children and adolescents treated with inhibitors and 70 patients in programs of prevention from mother to child. The program offers also full assistance, taking into account the burden that HIV / AIDS causes to families. The service is in the hospital, but the staff devoted specifically to this Program includes 40 people.
The project is supported by the Foundation thanks to a fruitful collaboration with AMFAR, and by the US Center for Disease Control.
The Hospital Saint Damien / Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs (HSD/NPFS) has 150 beds.
Among the various departments of the hospital, besides maternity there is also oncology, the clinic for Tuberculosis the program HIV/AIDS and the health Program for the Community.
It is one of the pediatric centers of excellence in Haiti.The HIV program has been active since 2005 and every year 15,000 children are visited by the unit active on field, 3,000 are the patients hospitalized and 2,500 the hospitalizations. HSD/NPFS provides free medical care to the poorest families.
The children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS account for 2,5% of the children in care from outpatient clinics and the 10% of hospitalized patients.
“Break the Barriers” combats poverty by supporting and promoting projects that provide assistance to citizens of developing countries and/or those in situations of poverty, illness, and with complex social issues that stunt or reduce their quality of life.
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