Italian Universities, Research Institutions, Nonprofit Organizations, public opinion.
University of Pisa – Scuola Superiore Sant’anna – University of Florence and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Andrea Bocelli Foundation has organized a workshop focused on the application of technology in search of innovative solutions to help people overcome the limits imposed by their disabilites. The workshop was developed in five parts: 1) A group of international and Italian scientists has discussed on several topics, among which autonomous navigation, the use of musical scores accessible for the visually impaired, the access to social networks, the new technologies of computerized vision and the artificial eye. 2) A panel session, a group discussion with the participation of Italian and international scientists who have tackled the importance of technology for greater integration of people with disabilities. 3) A session where blind people have witnessed how technology has indeed contributed to the improvement of their life and to their social integration. 4) A demo session where many scientists and local laboratories have presented examples of application of technologies to disabilities. 5) Presentation of the results achieved with the Project Fifth sense.
The opening has been entrusted to Maestro Bocelli the creator and the heart and soul of the Foundation, who has proposed some possible directions towards which technology, research, and then, production should be channeled to help solve common problems.
Nella volontà di aprirsi al confronto e condividere i risultati del proprio lavoro comune la Andrea Bocelli Foundation e il Massachusetts Institute of Technology di Boston hanno organizzato un workshop alla presenza di nomi di eccellenza internazionale nei campi della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica.