Dr. H. Wang and R. Katzschmann of prof. Daniela RUS Group at CSAlL ;MIT, Boston, US with Prof. L. Giarré, ABF scientific coordinator have visited October the 3rd Maestro Bocelli’s residence for a pre-demo of the system realized in the MIT FIFTH SENSE Project. The system is a wearable system designed to improve situational awareness for visually impaired people. The system includes a camera, lidar sensors, an embedded computer, a belt with embedded vibration motors that provide vibration feedback when an obstacle is detected in the direction pointed to by the sensor, and a tactile Braille interface. This system distinguishes walkable free space from obstacles and identifies a few important types of objects such as the location of a chair, or the distance to a stairway. These descriptions of the surroundings are communicated to the person wearing the device and translated into safe navigation directions.
Maestro Bocelli and his family tested the system, and its various components. He gave very interesting and positive suggestions and feedback to the scientists in order to further improve the overall system.
The system can be tested and showed during the ABF MIT Challenges Worskshop, Milan, October 24th, 2015 (www.abfmit.com).